RSET/SkyeBrowse Partnership

Excited to announce our newest partnership with RSET to make your SkyeBrowse 3D models even more interactive! SkyeBrowse’s partnership with RSET now allows you to import SkyeBrowse 3D models directly into RSET’s training simulation software. Imagine being able to use your digital twins for active shooter drills, firefighting exercises, and even for a bit of […]
Enomalies Awarded Phase III (Option 1) Discovery and Innovation Navy SBIR Grant

Enomalies Awarded Phase III Discovery and Innovation Navy SBIR Grant ($200,000.00)
Enomalies Awarded Phase III Discovery and Innovation Navy SBIR Grant

Enomalies Awarded Phase III Discovery and Innovation Navy SBIR Grant ($499,999.00)
Enomalies Awarded Phase I Matching Grant from KSTC

Enomalies was awarded a SBIR Phase II Matching Grant from the Kentucky Science and Technology Corporation. These grants are awarded to start-ups that bring SBIR grants into the state. ($461,000.00)
Enomalies Award Option 2 for the ONR Phase II SBIR Grant

Enomalies Award Option 2 for the ONR Phase II SBIR Grant
Enomalies Award Option 1 for the ONR Phase II SBIR Grant

Enomalies Award Option for the ONR Phase II SBIR Grant. Enomalies is the last company of the original 4 phase I companies still being funded.
Enomalies Awarded Phase I Matching Grant from KSTC

Enomalies was awarded a SBIR Phase I Matching Grant from the Kentucky Science and Technology Corporation. These grants are awarded to start-ups that bring SBIR grants into the state. ($150,000.00)
Enomalies Awarded Phase 1 Option Navy SBIR Grant

Enomalies was 1 of 2 companies that applied for the Phase I topic that were awarded the option to continue ($75,000.00)
Enomalies Awarded ONR SBIR Phase I Grant

Enomalies was 1 of 4 companies awarded Phase I ONR SBIR Grant for the development of the Rapid Synthetic Environment Tool ($75,000.00) Original Solicitation: Rapid Synthetic Environment Tool for Virtual Battlespace 2 (VBS2)Navy SBIR 2013.2 – Topic N132-130ONR – Ms. Lore Anne Ponirakis – loreanne.ponirakis@navy.milOpens: May 24, 2013 – Closes: June 26, 2013 N132130 TITLE: […]